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Maryland’s Best Selection of Michelin® Tires

Hillen Tire and Auto Service Tire Pros has been providing Maryland vehicle owners with top-quality auto care and a fantastic selection of Michelin® tires. Whether you need to replace the tires on your minivan or you’re looking to add performance tires to a sports car, we can find the perfect match for your vehicle. Our professional installation services are backed by nationwide warranties, so you’ll be protected no matter where the road takes you.

tire replacement

Why Choose Michelin® Tires?

When it comes to tires, everyone is familiar with the Michelin® brand name. Not only has the company been around since 1889, but it has become the top-selling tire brand worldwide. It’s no wonder why. With a full line of tires for any car, truck, or SUV, their selection serves every need. Plus, Michelin® tires offer:

  • Improved Grip
  • Greater Durability
  • Improved Longevity
  • More Fuel Efficiency
  • Greater Comfort
  • Improved Handling
  • Complete Satisfaction

Choose Your Michelin® Tires

Your vehicle type, the driving conditions, and the local climate should all be considered when purchasing tires for your car, truck, or SUV. Our team will never leave you on your own when it comes to making this decision. We are trained and knowledgeable on all categories and models of Michelin® tires and will explain your options for standard and luxury vehicles from these choices:

All-Season Tires

These offer outstanding performance in the various weather conditions we're faced with each season and allow you to drive with confidence when the snow falls.

All-Terrain Tires

Offering the best of the best whether you’re cruising on the highway or an adventure has taken you off the beaten path.

Car Tires

These are an all-purpose option for some of the most common passenger vehicles on the road, including sedans, minivans, coupes, and crossovers.

Competition Tires

These Pilot Sport Cup tires are DOT-approved and offer fantastic handling and traction in both wet and dry conditions.

Performance Tires

If sport and performance are priorities, Michelin® does not disappoint with the Pilot, Energy, and Primary lines. You need tires that can match your vehicle’s engine.

Snow & Winter Tires

The Alpin and X-Ice snow tires will provide steady traction on the road for snowy and icy conditions when the temp dips below freezing.

Summer Tires

Summer tires are manufactured specifically for warm climates that don’t see changes in seasons or snowy conditions.

Touring Tires

All-purpose driving and year-round traction are the hallmarks of Michelin’s® quality brand of touring tires.

Truck Tires

For truck and SUV owners that find themselves on dirt and gravel roads as frequently as on the highways, we can outfit you with a Michelin® tire that will fit any sized truck or SUV.

Tires Backed by the Michelin® Promise Plan™

The Michelin® Promise guarantees customer satisfaction by standing behind our products with a generous warranty. We want you to be 100% satisfied with your Michelin® passenger or light truck replacement tires, so they are backed by the Michelin® Promise Plan™.

  • 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee*
  • 3-Year Roadside Assistance**
  • Standard Limited Warranty and Limited Mileage Warranty***
  • Warranty Information

Shop Reliable Tires From Michelin®

Car and truck owners in Maryland can shop online, by phone, or in-person to find the perfect set of Michelin® tires at Hillen Tire and Auto Service Tire Pros With a new set of tires backed by the Michelin® Promise Plan™ you can drive confidently knowing you’re supported with a nationally recognized warranty. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

*Certain conditions and limitations apply. See the Michelin® Owner’s Manual for complete description and details.

** This service does not cover the repair or replacement of your tire. Service applies only to motorized passenger and light truck vehicles and specifically excludes trailers, recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles and any vehicle used for farm, ranch, agriculture, racing, or off-road service.

*** Excludes DOT–approved competition tires (e.g., MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport Cup tires) and Original Equipment tires starting with 2018 model year. Mileage warranties vary by tire line. See your tire retailer or click here for more details on specific mileage warranties, including those for split fitments.

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